
What is Externalization?

Narrative Therapy, developed by White and Epson in 1990, is a method of therapy to help clients not conflate their identites with the problems they face. Through the use of narrative therapy, clients are encouraged to practice externalizing their problems in order to change their narrative about themselves. If clients are no longer "anxious" but rather "have anxiety" they can more easily address the problem, like they would a more concrete issue.

Like meditation, cognitive defusion is a technique used with clients to help transition into looking *at* their thoughts, rather than from their thoughts. Removing oneself from their thoughts can help clients address their situation objectively, and in a less emotionally charged way. Both of these techniques use the concept of externilization. By viewing the "problem" as disconnected from the self, clients can more easily manipulate them.

How does the Anxiety Chicken help?

The Anxiety Chicken encourages users to focus on their anxiety through the lens of another anxiety sufferer. By looking at an anxiety similar to one's own, but happening "to someone else", the anxiety chicken interface creates a platform for users to view their own anxiety from an outside perspective.

By transforming the anxiety chicken from an "anxious" state and to a "calm" state, the user also experiences the fluidity of emotional state, and way in which one can transform their reality through active problem solving.

How To Use
